We help integration of Roma communities into Irish society.

Sergiu Pruteanu
CEO of Musicantia
Musicantia was set up as a company limited by guarantee in April 2013 and its application for Charity Status is pending. Musicantia has a Child Protection Policy and all its music teachers and volunteers have Garda Vetting.
Its key aims are:
- To promote the integration of Roma communities into Irish society.
- To promote the cultural and sporting potential of Roma communities.
- To educate service providers to prevent discrimination and racism against Roma and cultivate respect for the dignity and rights of all individuals of Roma origins.
- To assist Roma communities with regard to their rights and responsibilities.
- To promote equal access and opportunity for all children and young people of Roma backgrounds.
- To promote equity of healthcare access and outcomes for the Roma communities.
- To promote the positive contribution of the Roma communities in Ireland.
Music School Activities to Date
On 8th April 2013 Musicantia held its first concert mainly for parents of Roma origin in the Carmelite Community Centre in Whitefriar Street, Dubin 8 to mark International Roma Day. This events also introduced the idea of establishing a Music School where Roma children could learn musicianship and the skills to perform at community and cultural events. From September 2013 to May 2014, the Music School ran weekly all day every Saturday at a Crosscare youth building in Dublin 7, with up to 30 children aged 9 to 17 being professionally taught subjects including music theory, choral singing, violin, accordion, Nai (Romanian Pan Pipes) and keyboard.
Community Performances by the Music School Choir and Instrumentalists
Dec 2013 Mansion House outdoor event in aid of the Lord Mayors Fund
April 2014 International Roma Day Concert at the Unitarian Church with guests Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy Deenihan TD and Sr Bernadette Sweeney of Crumlin Community Music Project and St Agnes Orchestra
-Music School Choir, Soloists, Instrumentalists & Professional Music Tutors & Adult Roma Big Band
May 2014 Open air concert at the Mater Hospital in partnership with young musicians from Ceolteoiri Cluain Tairbh for Phizzfest Community Arts Festival
-Music School Choir, Soloists and Instrumentalists
May 2014 One Family Festival of Family Diversity at Iveagh Gardens
-Music School Choir, Soloists and Instrumentalists
Community Performances by Musicantia Tutors
October 2013 Teachers Club event
Music School Tutors
September 2014 Culture Night performance at Comhlamh office, Parlliament Street Sergiu Pruteanu
October 2014 ATD 17th
October UN Anti-Poverty Day event at the IFSC quayside. Speech by Izabella and keyboard music by Sergiu Pruteanu
Impact of Musicantia Work to Date
The running of the music school for one academic year has begun to develop a strategy for more effective integration of Roma young people through developing their skills and confidence to participate in public concerts and community events.
It has given a group of Roma young people and their parents ambitions and pride in their achievements. It has helped to keep Roma young people away from negative behaviours through constructive out of school occupation and the gift of music..
Over time, dedication to developing their skills in musicianship and love of performing will encourage Roma young people to see the benefits of remaining in full time education as well as foster their love of music in general and pride in their specific Roma cultural and musical traditions.
As this is the first dedicated youth programme for Roma in Ireland, it aims to show Roma youth how Irish youth develop and grow in confidence through youth activities and community work and to become a showcase for Roma youth integration in Ireland and counteract the prevailing negative image of young Roma here.
Musicantia Cooperation with the Garda Siochana Racial, Intercultural and Diversity Office
Since early 2014, Musicantia has provided Cultural Awareness Training Sessions in Garda HQ, Templemore, Galway, Sligo, Cork and elsewhere in partnership with Sergeant David McInerney.
Forthcoming Fundraising Concert to support the re-opening of the Music School in September 2015 in the Crosscare Wellington Centre, Dublin 7 and in Balbriggan, Co Dublin
An instrumental blend of Fusion-Jazz, World Music, Classical, and Soft Rock, Roma, Balkan music. ‘’Musicantia Roma Movement,, Concert with other guest musicians Unitarian Church, St Stephens Green, Dublin 2 7.30pm- 9.30pm
March 2015
‘’Musicantia Roma Movement,,
It is composed of: Drum Kit, Bongos, 2x Keyboard Piano, Bass Guitar, Cymbalom, Trumpet, Saxophone, Tin Whistle, 3x Accordions, and Violin.
Style of Music is: An instrumental blend of Fusion-Jazz, World Music, Classical, and Soft Rock, Roma, Balkan music.
21st March 2015 Planned performance for fundraising event for Anti-Racism Network for UN Day Against Racism
Web design and web delopment is the only thing we do since then.
Join Us on Our Journey